Your Questions

Your Questions

How long does it take to see results?

We are all different and unique is our response to remedies. Some people feel an effect quickly , for others the process is so subtle that they become aware of their changes through the feedback of their loved ones-

Are the remedies safe for whom with allergies?

The beauty of the system is that the remedies don’t contain any active principle from the plants that could potentially trigger some allergy reaction

How long does a  30 ml dropper bottle last? 

The individualized 30ml dropper bottle undertaken regularly will cover about 3-4 weeks treatment

How do I undertake the remedies? 

 If you have a personalized mix bottle 4 drops, 4 times per day is the dosage Dr. Bach found ideal. However, some people feel confident to take the remedied less or more frequently . The feelings associated with this are usually discussed in the follow up session.

Are the remedies suitable  for pets?

Yes . The remedies. can help our little friends too. However, since they can’t speak and comunicate to us   their feelings we need to pay attention to their behaviours and understand the emotion behind or the personality type

What if I have concern about the alcohol contained in the remedies?

The content of alcohol in a 30 ml bottle which contain up 12 drops of stock and 1 teaspoon of brandy to preserve is minimal when you take 4 drops form this mix and dilute them in a glass of water.   
However, if ou are still concerned, or you are under powerful drugs such  as Antabuse, ask to your alchool advisor or medical practitioner.
You can also ask your BFRP  to prepare an alcohol free mix bottle preserved with glycerin. In this case the cost of the mix bottle can vary depending on availability and cost of alcohol free stocks which are produced in limited quantities.. 

What is the dosage for animals?

 It is the same that for humans. However, if you have to treat  little  animals as birds or big animals as horses,  the dosage can be decreased or raised aggordingly.
NOTE: it is suggested always to diluite the remedies in water .

Is it safe to take remedies when you are pregnant?

The  only concern could be related to the little amount of alchool. That can be usually ignored in the suggested dosage. However,  in doubt you can ask for medical advice or just ask for alchool free mix bottle.

Why do I need  a practitioner?

Bach  system was meant to be simple to  use . By using  the description of the remedies and asssociated emotions its possible to everyone to give them a go. However,  sometime to detect and understand emotions  we are experiencing we need an objiective. perspective. The role of a practitioner is to  teach you to use the system for yourself  and guiding you to select the right remedies combination.

Are remedies suitable for children?

 Yes. They can help children along their emotional challenges  and moody states 

Is it true that also plants benefit from the remedies?

Yes . the remedies can be used on indoor and outdoor plants .
For example rescue remedies can be used on flowers in vase 

Can I take remedies in hot  drinks?

Yes you can use them in tea, coffee , milk and it will also help to evaporate the minimal alchool present in it.
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