
How do you want to feel?

If a busy lifestyle let You  behind to cope with  emotions such as 
  anxiety, tiredness, overwhelm,, busy mind, mood swings  and many more ...
 regain your emotional balance now with the Bach system

Bach remedies System

Dr. Bach’s vision was to create a safe, simple and effective self-healing  system which could be used by everyone and that would complement medical cure.

He discovered 38 remedies, each associated with a human emotion, which he was potentially able to combine into almost 293 million different combinations to cover the whole spectrum of human emotions.
Knowing the remedies


As BFRP -Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner I offer  a consultation process  which aims

To identify the mix  of remedies that suits you

 to teach you the remedies

to help you choose them for yourself

to help you transform and harness your emotions  and their positive aspects

More about consultation

Start now

Treat your exhaustion, stress, self-doubt, disconnection and negative thinking 
Take now  your first step to restore your emotional balance

My Bach flowers is about  

providing you  the skills you need to regain your emotional health through the Bach remedies
  • Do you feel  exhausted
  • Is your mind troubled ?
  • Do you want to be in control of your emotions but are worried you can’t?
  • Are anxiety and a busy mind affecting your sleep?
During the consultations  I will explain the principle of the therapy, help you to understand how it works and what to expect.
You will have opportunity to focus on your needs and discuss in confidence your emotional states.
We will identify the Bach remedies that better  resonate with your negative  feelings which will help to transform them into positive.  
In particular you will:
  • be introduced to the Bach remedy system 
  • become  more aware of your feelings and out of balance emotions
  • transform your emotions and become more confident, worry-free, clear and in control  
  • learn lifetime skills
  • Identify the remedies that will help 
  • have your personalised mix-bottle
  • be a better you and make a positive impact on the people around you
Additional outcome of on going  consistent consultations 
  • knowledge transfer 
  • learn how to select and use the remedies 
  • become your own emotional coach 
  • save time by having your consultation from the comfort and privacy of your home
The remedies are an easy and effective help in managing and supporting human emotional response in any situation and are complementary to other tools such as traditional medicine and holistic therapies 

Online Consultations
WHATSAPP |+44 7796 514 102 


Rose, social sector, Liverpool

 I feel that I really benefitted from the Bach Flower remedy which you prepared for me,

 it definitely helped calm me and with my sleep specifically.

The session with yourself made me more aware of some of the anxieties I had been   experiencing and the Bach Flower remedy, I feel, really dealt with the feelings and emotions I had identified.

Lorraine Thomas, London

Overall I have had a very positive experience with Stefania as a Bach Flower Practitioner, I am grateful that her consultations were offered at a time of so much change and crisis in my life – which I had not foreseen when I agreed to try the remedies – She explained clearly how to store and take the Remedies and it was lovely for me to receive the custom prepared bottles in the post.

 I  think she is very tuned in with the subtle energies of the Flowers, I feel I have benefited from the Remedies and have been supported by her gentle, encouraging and reassuring consultation style.

Thank you Stefania, I will definitely be one of your long-term clients.

All the best 

"Healthy emotional life and a balanced personality 
will allow your body 
to find its own natural state of health"
 Dr. E. B.

Dr. Edward Bach 

Born in 1886 in Moseley and died in Willingford in1936 
He studied medicine at  Birmingham University  and University College Hospital in London
Qualified in 1912 obtaining a Diploma in Public Health (DPH) at Cambridge University
Professional Experience
  • He held a range of hospital posts, including one as Surgeon.
  • In 1919, he worked at the London Homeopathic Hospital, where he was influenced by the work of Samuel Hahnemann and started to his research in the healing qualities of plants.
  • He had his own studio in Harley Street, London.
  • In 1930, he moved to Mount Vernon to entirely devote himself in researching new healing techniques.
  • He developed seven bacterial nosodes of the homeopathy known as the seven Bach nosodes.
  • He discovered the 38 remedies. 
  • He published a range of articles and books
  • He helped a lot of people to feel good  and  gifted us with a fantastic simple self-help tool

“ Treat the person not the disease, the cause not the effects “

Contact us

Do you need a professional  help in selecting the remedies ?


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